Monday, February 12, 2007

nice dream

"Radiohead have denied their album will be released on August 6 despite an internet retailer listing that release date. According to the listing on, it was claimed that the record, described as 'New Album - TBC' would be released via EMI Records. However a spokesperson for Radiohead has denied that this is the case. As previously reported, the band fulfilled its contract with the label with their last album, 'Hail To The Thief' in 2003, and a new deal or label has not yet been announced."

oh, okay. it was all just a dream.


Lisa said...

Ah, Radiohead. One day I will have to tune in. Right now I'm writing a final essay test for Of Mice and Men. Trying to word it so I don't have too much to read. Isn't that bad of me? I saw Freedom Writers and I am not that teacher, although Scott Glenn was indeed my father.

amyonymous said...

yes, the goal of all teachers: make the students write a lot, but make it so you don't have to read a lot. some kind of teaching paradox, or conundrum.....

Lisa said...

Response #2. I told Craig I thought you'd enjoy his Radiohead t-shirt. He explained it to me, where it comes from (all those signs). I will really have to tune in soon.
I am kind of out of it in terms of music.
I hope you had a fine Prez's Day filled with reverent thoughts of our leading patriarchs.