Tuesday, August 26, 2008

omg radiohead

i don't even think i can write about it. the concert was breathtaking. the light show was incredible and played out the music in fabulous visual ways. the music, wow. every band member is so good and the songs were tight and expansive at the same time - deviations from the recorded versions but everything worked and was beautiful.


Thom and Jonny singing Neil Young's "Tell Me Why" with acoustic guitars.

The first notes of "Talk Show Host" made the crowd go wild.

These three songs back to back: Jigsaw Falling Into Place, The Bend and National Anthem - more rockin' out than any rock concert i've ever been to. then followed by - take a deep breath and slow down - Nude.

Planet Telex and Fake Plastic Trees from The Bends album

Thom forgetting how to play Cymbal Rush

and the grand finale - Idioteque with an amazing light show and an outpouring of energy from the stage and back to the stage from the audience.

i wanted it to never ever end.......


Tim F said...

I've decided, The National Anthem is my current favourite Radiohead song. This week, at least.

amyonymous said...

funny, i never thought much of it, didn't connect to it. now that i've seen it live, it is my fave of the week, too.

thought of you, Tim, while sitting at the bowl. you and several other radiohead fans i know.....