Saturday, May 30, 2009

people of the book

just finished People of the Book by Geraldine Brooks and while it annoyed me many times, it is also quite beautiful AND had me on wikipedia. why? to read about the sarajevo haggadah, the history of sarajevo, the history of sephardic jews, and to get some visuals on aboriginal art. so actually, i have to love a book that takes me in all those directions and makes me want to know more!

cool line: "They will build me a temple and I will dwell in them - in them, not in it." it feels like the beginning - or the end - of a poem.


Lisa said...

This sounds cool. Did you ever read "March"?

amy said...

i started to read it, but it didn't grab me right away, so i put it aside. i had borrowed it from someone, so i gave it back.

did you like it? it sounded intriguing . . . .

Lisa said...

I liked it a lot. It wasn't perhaps high lit, but then you're talking to someone who liked Twilight. I'm now looking for a scintillating mystery. Any suggestions?

amyonymous said...

hey, i read twilight, too! i don't know that i LIKED it, but it was a fun and easy read. i don't read mysteries so i can't recommend any. sorry. there is a mystery bookstore in south pasadena that looks so intriguing but i just don't read mysteries!

Lisa said...

I just started People of the Book, and right off the bat I am finding the narrator unsympathetic. But you are right: the details of the history are fascinating. What's up with the black woman at the seder? Hmmm... Traces of the DaVinci Code?

We're going to see The Troubies Saturday night in "Oedipus Rocks." Or something like that.