Monday, March 24, 2008


like that title makes sense.

we have been plowing through the first three seasons of House and i have discovered a "house syndrome." that is, after we turn it off and get in bed, i lay in bed and catalog all the weird pains and odd feelings i have in my body, and start to worry that i have some rare disease or syndrome, one that will kill me if i don't find a doctor like House to diagnose me. really. going through this nightly ritual for weeks is wearing me down. so i WILL have an actual syndrome and it will strictly be a result of watching House too much!

i have been reading blogs all over the internet. my favorite new ones are complete time-wasters (like the others aren't?): The Sartorialist - a guy who takes pictures of well-dressed people; and Go Fug Yourself - two women who put up pictures of celebrities dressed in especially ugly outfits. sort of the yin and yang of fashion.

listening to Elliot Smith and feeling pretty proud of myself for just having donated over 200 books to the local library.

oh, the chinese character is, i am told, the character for happiness. i trust this is accurate.


Tim F said...

If I worked with House, I'd have the urge to pull Candid Camera style stunts on him, like sending him patients with really obvious complaints, like broken legs.

amyonymous said...

i told my husband and son this idea and they went off with all kinds of other bad pranks. me, personally . . . i am the cameron who thinks i can save him.