Friday, October 10, 2008

retreating to fantasy

okay, i give up. i have had enough of political blogs that go over (and over and over) the things McCain says about Obama, the poll numbers, and the miserable state of the economy.

time for some Tolkien or Pullman - perhaps i will re-read the Dark Materials books. or perhaps i should be writing and go back to my days of writing fantasy with elves and demons and magic. isn't that what you do when times are bad? escape into fantasy? isn't that why The Wizard of Oz movie was such a big hit at the end of the 30's?

my students were assigned to write a story using lines from Richard Hugo's triggering town essay. so i am now assigning myself the same task. maybe i will post it here - serialize it, a little bit every day.....

okay now i really have some work to do!